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My studio is one of the great loves of my life. I was able to design it to perfectly fit my needs as an artist, and add some architectural embellishments that I have always wanted in a dwelling. I enjoy having other artists join me in my studio to collaborate and share mediums. It is a place of openness and welcome.

I am on the steering committee for the Bloomington Open Studios Tour, and we have an excellent rooster of participating artists in 2017.  I welcome you to come visit me on October 21-22nd where I will be demonstrating mosaic and glass techniques and enjoying the autumn.  As an additional carrot, you can visit the studios of Cheryl Gregg-Duckworth and Leanne Ellis located on our scenic Lampkins Ridge Road.  Our three studios also open for a Holiday Sale on the first Saturday of December. This is a much different event than the Bloomington Open Studios, it is a more social affair with cocktails and a fun atmosphere with many guest artists showing in the studio.

For private tours, please email me with the request and a preferred date and time.
